Thursday, October 11, 2007

Decent Day

Pretty good day to workout. Off post call, cloudy and not too cold.

Bike 56 miles (2:58), ave power for ride 250 (normal watts 275)

Incorporated 3 X 10 min on 3 min rest in 54/12 gear.
1 = 318 watts, HR 132 ave/mx 157, speed 25.4, rpm 75 (wind advantage)
2 = 313 watts, HR 135/145, 23.3 mph, rpm 69 (wind neutral)
3 = 325 watts, HR 141/149, 23.1 mph, rpm 66 (head wind)

Then 7 min interval fairly hard uphill to house. Had a flatting tire which was completely flat by the end of the interval.
372 ave watts, HR 145/163, 9.1 mph, rpm 67 (600 ft ascent over 1.1 mile)

90 min later, Run 9 miles in 64:15 (7:08 ave pace)
Alternated 1 min Z4 with 3 min Z2 entire run.

Legs felt sluggish but loosened up after 3-4 miles. Pace was held back a bit due to my cardiac drift of 5-10 beats due to the ride.