Had a decent remainder of the week
Today is 9 days out but we skip Saturday with the time change so I am actually 8 days out from race day.
Ran 4 miles in 26:30, Every 3 minutes at Z2, did 1 min pick up. Got in 6 x 1 min pickups. 2 at 6 min pace, 2 at 5:40 pace, 2 at 5:30 pace.
Swim 2300 meter
Series of 300's and 100's
Thurs Thanksgiving:
Bike 65 miles in just under 4 hours.
Climbed 3000 ft first 25 miles.
Then 60 min big gear TT on Sauvie Island. Ave watts 294 (mid Z4 power). Cadence 70. HR ave 118 (1) max 147 (Z4). Head winds for about 3/4 of TT. Ave 21 mph.
Friday morning:
Run 18 (2:19)
First 6 on forest park trail, 42 minutes.
Then next 6 on Wildwood trail, out 52 minutes, back 45 minutes.
Forgot running shoes and orthotics. So, ran in some nike light weight trainers I had in the car.
Some blistering on a few toes because the shoes had no inserts at all so I had some space in the toe box to create some blisters. No problem though. I dont run again until tuesday.
So, we are off tonight. 8 Day taper to the race Sunday Dec 2
My goals?
It depends on the day. Assuming its hot because its been mid 80's and 90% humidity every day there, my bike I hope to be under 5 hours. However, its been windy at 20-30 mph winds most days I have been watching the weather. So, my goal in the case of heavy winds will be to compete and just do the best I can. I likely will not PR if its windy.
The swim? who knows...depends on the conditions of the bay. I think in decent conditions I can swim about a 1:03-04 with about a 4 minute transition. So, hopefully will be on the bike by 1:08.
The run? Again, depends on heat, humidity and wind. If only heat and humidity, I am pretty certain I can run around 3:20.
If the temps drop a bit and the wind holds off? 3:15 or so I hope.
We'll see.
My weight at Halfmax nationals was 167. At Clearwater 2 weeks ago, 161 day prior to race.
This morning, 158.5 and 4.3% body fat.
So, yeah, I feel lean and strong. Good conditions? No injury? No flats or mechanical problem? Yeah....I'll PR.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Off to Australia
Posted by
Dave Ciaverella, Odyssey Coaching
1:52 PM