Had a difficult week with work and trying to get in the workouts. Working 3 "all nighters", typical 14 hour shifts that go all night, on top of my 3 day shifts has worn me out.
Managed to get just over 20 hours this week, in 13 workouts, missing only 1.
So, here's a glimpse of my week
Monday: Work 9 hrs. Resting legs off the hagg lake olympic tri this weekend
Swim: 4300 meter, mixed intervals
Tuesday: Work 4pm to 7 am Wed morning.
Swim 4000 meter, mixed intervals
Run 5 miles easy
Bike 20 miles Z2 watts. Go to work.
Wed: 2.5 hrs sleep prior to workouts. Off post call in the day.
30 min yoga when waking before ride.
Bike 50 miles, rolling hills, steady, Z2 watts, about 3k climbing.
Run 4 miles easy, steady, included a stair climb set.
Thurs: Normal 8 hr work day
Swim: Go to pool, fell asleep in car at 6:15 am. Awoken by pager going off at 9:15. Missed this workout. Write if off, so I wont get in my 16k swimming this week.
Run afterwork, 4 miles easy with 5X1 min uphill intervals. About 18% grade hill.
Ride 31 miles. Z2 watts. 2x10 min Z4 intervals at rpm 55 and 65 respectively
Fri: Normal 8 hr work day, still behind on sleep.
Swim 5200 meter. 2500 free. Then 50x50 meter on 1 min cycle. 200 cd. Ouch.
Run after swim 7 miles, 45 min. Included 3 mile tempo at 6:40, 6:30, 6:20 each mile.
Sat: Work another all nighter tonight.
Bike 71 miles and about 6k climbing. Beginning of ride, 30 min time trial Z4 watts (311). Ave power for ride high Z2
Waited 3 hrs after ride to run. 4 miles easy.
Finally checked cell phone messages, 14 of them.
Sun: Up all night until 8am. Sleep until 11:30 am, then run.
Run 19 miles. First 12 on Wildwood trail up to pittock mansion, about 3k total climbing. Then
onto main trail, 6 consecutive 7:15 miles, then bonked. Final mile 9 min pace.
Weighed before and after run. Took in total of 24 oz's of nutrition/water on run. Still recorded an 8 pound weight loss. Partly because run was in middle of day and in the high 80's.
Monday: Work my third all night 14 hr shift and have a lull in work to write this blog. Slept until 11 am this morning in attemp to catch up sleep which I think worked.
Swim 3000 meter, mixed intervals.
Not on call again until Sunday, which is a 24 hr shift so will get no workouts in that day.
As for Tues through Sat, plan on 13 more workouts and another 20 hr week.
Thought I'd give this example as I do get resistance from some I affiliate with on the inability to get in some workouts, even short 30 minute morning workouts in an 8-5 job. There is no real excuse in my opinion, unless you make an attempt but actually fall asleep at a workout due to the lack of sleep. Regardless, I just believe for those who want "it" , whatever "it" may be...the suffering that comes with it is real. There is no easy way, and those who go to kona or make the IM podium did not get there with ease.
Find a focus, a goal. Make a nobel attempt. You miss workouts on a consistent basis? Then do too much on other days to "make up"? You've only yourself to blame.
Goals are accessible if realistic, and if you dont reach them, then be proud of yourself in the effort you've made if you have no regrets.
I have said this in the past and I'll say it again. I have failed many many more times than I've succeeded. To others it may look like I 've accomplished a few things in this sport. But believe me, out of the many triathlons, Ironman, marathons....I've only accomplished a goal a few times.
A reading from the Tao states, "success comes to those who weather the storm"
OK, I've said enough.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Week in Summary
Posted by
Dave Ciaverella, Odyssey Coaching
12:06 AM