Was supposed to meet group out for 35 mile ride yesterday afternoon. After 20 minutes in bumper-bumper traffic, I decided to U-turn and take another highway...even worse!
After 30 minutes beyond the time at which we were supposed to meet, and me still 30 minutes away due to traffic, I hung it up and went home.
So, spending 90 minutes in the car for a ride that never happened. It was tough to go home, take the bike downstairs, set up the Computrainer, and spin.
I did however get it done and was very happy with the workout, which was much more difficult on the trainer with fixed watts.
2 hours, 40 miles
Maintained 175 watts for first hour. Then,
45 minute interval at low cadence, zone 4 power.
Watts, 310
Cadence, 65
Gear, 54/12 entire interval
HR ave 130, max 145
15 min cool down.
For total 40 miles, ave watts 230, cadence 75, HR 105 with max of 145.
These numbers are nearly identical to my 45 min TT interval last saturday, 130 ave HR which is Zone 2 for me, at the top of my Zone 4 power is very reassuring to me.
I have to tell you though, mainatining 310 watts on a trainer at 60-70 cadence for 45 min. is not an easy task, esp in the aerobars.
Very happy with my ave HR of 108 for the entire ride, esp at my ave watts of 230. Its coming along well.
I cancelled my planned run of 4 miles after my 2.2K swim in the morning because both of my hamstrings are still sore. The 45 minutes of Yoga this morning helped quite a bit though.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Day on the trainer
Posted by
Dave Ciaverella, Odyssey Coaching
8:39 AM