Monday, October 08, 2007

Week Summary Oct 1-7

Week 12

Swim 11K (3 sessions) 3:10
Bike 117 (3 rides) 6:36
Run 33 (3 runs) 4:06
Yoga 1 session, 45 min

Total 14:30

Missed 3 workouts this week, 2 of which were runs. If my legs feel blown out then I wont sacrifice just to "stick to the plan".

Favorite workouts this week: All on the weekend

Swim 5000 meter friday evening. Workout packed with 400's and 200's. First "big swim" since Roth.
Bike: Again, the saturday ride. Climbed about 4000 ft over first 30 miles. Then did 50 minute big gear low cadence TT, averaging 307 watts. (Z4). Supposed to run off the bike but we just couldnt do it. That climbing before the TT just taxed the legs too much.
Run: Again, the long run Sunday. 19 miles. Out a touch under 8 min pace, back 7-7:15 pace. Ran with teammate aleck alleckson, and just cruised. Good run and no rain.