Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thin and strong

After racing Halfmax in September at 167, I slowly have cut the weight.
Down to 163 a little over a week ago, and the flu last weekend put me down to 160.
Weighed in at 159 before bed tonight and feel strong.
I typically dont try to maintain my race weight while training for more than a few weeks or
so. I race my key races fairly light, about 8 lbs under my base training weight. If I train for more than a month
or so at below 160, I tend to get a bit weak.

So, now that I am slightly below my racing weight, a few days taper should bring me up to racing weight of 160
for Clearwater. Then I will maintain 3 more weeks to IMWA.

This was a pretty good week: I strained my low back wed morning and was in serious trouble for the rest of the week. In fact, I couldnt even stand up straight wed evening, the pain was throbbing. So, I took a heavy dose of prednisone, muscle relaxant flexeril at a double dose, and slept on a heating pad all night long. Thursday, I had to cancel my run but was able to pull my entire 4000 meter swim, although flip turning was impossible. I hit my back hard again after my swim, by staying in bed the rest of the day and evening, blasting myself with anti-inlammatories and muscle relaxants. The hope was to get strong enough to ride my first 70+ miler friday. Friday morning the pain and spasm was about 70% better, enough for me to ride. Stopped all the drugs and slept on the heating pad friday evening again, all night. Saturday, felt 90% better for my second 70+ miler. Sunday morning, nearly pain free for my key long run.

Swim = 15000 meter (4 sessions) 4:56
Bike = 240 miles (5 rides) 14:20
Run = 35 miles (5 runs) 4:22

I missed 1 run, Saturday, a 6 miler. After 5400 feet ascent on a 73 mile ride, after a 73 miler the day prior, my legs were a bit tired. More importantly, my back was on the verge of getting better and I didnt want to ruin my long run to come Sunday. I am happy I cancelled this run however, because Sunday morning I was able to run a solid 18 and feel stong. Yes, it was hard to cancel a run but you have to be smart about training and sometimes sacrifice a workout for the benefit of a more important workout to come.

Favorite Workouts
This was tough this week, I had 4 rides of 5 incorporating intervals plus a great hill ride to end the week.
I guess the back to back 73 milers were the best series I did this week. Friday, overall watts of 250 average and 19 mph for the ride. In the middle of ride, did a 50 min 54/12 gear TT interval at 70 rpm and 312 watts average (first 1/2 306, second 1/2 318 W)

As far as days go, I had 2 solid days of 3 workouts, swim bike and run.
Tuesday, after running 6, biked 44 at 252 watts average. Incorporated a 45 min TT low rpm and 54/12-13 at 308 watts average (first 1/2 296 W and second 1/2 320 W). Then swam 4100 meters later in the day, filled with short intervals.

Very happy with 18 miler sunday, out easy and back 6:50 pace for final 9. Key? HR average for final 9 miles 126, top of zone 1.

Key to my strength development? CONSISTENCY
Since Beginning my training for IMWA 15 weeks ago, I have done several 45-50 min TT intervals on rides and have maintained wattage on these throughout. NOT trying to increase every interval workout, but getting more and more comfortable doing the same regimine week after week.
The proof is in my consistent HR adaptation on my TT intervals. Some samplings:
13 weeks ago:
40 min TT, 305 watts with HR ave 147
10 weeks ago:
40 min TT, 310 watts with HR ave 136
5 weeks ago:
45 min TT, 315 watts with HR ave 131
3 weeks ago:
50 min TT, 308 watts with HR ave 128
This week:
40 min TT, 308 watts with HR ave 128
50 min TT, 312 watts with HR ave 125

These arent my only intervals of course, as nearly every ride in the past 15 weeks has included various intervals. But, the above key low cadence big gear intervals have been on the same flat 12 mile loop week after week, nearly every week except the week before and the week after Nationals.

HR is deceiving and can lead you over-train. Had I ignored my wattage and driven my HR to the early weeks, say mid 130's, I surely would have been way too high on my wattage. All things being consistent, I havent pushed my watts significantly, and allowed my HR and lactate threshold to adapt, without over stressing my system. This I believe has been a key factor in my development this summer.

Still, I dont know how this will translate into IM bike split, as my longest rides since Roth in June were this past weekend at 73 miles. Am I worried? Admitedly I was a little worried up until this week. Putting together 240 miles of nothing but quality and now, on Sunday evening feeling like I can roll into a regular non-recovery week next week, has boosted my confidence. Still, there is a hint of doubt on not riding a single ride over 75 miles going into an Ironman, but hey...if it doesnt least I'll feel great for 80!