Monday, October 01, 2007

Week 11 Summary, Sep 24-30

Some workouts this week, 10/1 - 10/7

Wed: 35 mile ride incorporating 45 min TT Z4 power, 65 cadence. Sauvie Island, 4 pm, take off 4:15-30.
Thurs: Run 8 miles, alternate HR Z4 X 1 minute and HR Z2 X 4 minutes entire run. Fairmont loop, 5:45 pm.
Sat: 65 mile ride, incorportating 50 min TT Z4 power, 65-75 cadence. Meet Thurman Gate to take off at 9 am.
Then the annual 'beer crit' in the afternoon. 4 laps, 4 pints of Guinness.
Sun: 19 mile run Z2 on hills, meet at Thurman gate take off at 9am.

These are some key workouts. I am scheduled for 13 workouts this week again, very similar to last week.

Last weeks summary:

Swim 8500 k (3 sessions) 2:43
Bike 110 miles (4 rides) 6:00
Run 47 miles (6 runs) 6:00

Total 13 workouts, 14:43

Favorite workouts
The ride on Saturday, big group, 15 people. Incorporated 1800 ft ascent first 35 miles. Then did a 45 min TT at 315 Watts average (few watts above Zone 4), while keeping cadence 60-65. Ave 24 mph and never used any other gear but my 54/12. The thing that made me happy with this interval, is that maintaining slightly above Zone 4 power, my ave HR was 131 (HR zone 2). Then chased ride with a 4 mile run in 30 min.

Favorite run was Sunday morning. Pouring rain the entire 18 miles. Good group again, and we decided to do Bills workout with him. 4 X 10 min pickups around 6:20-6:40 pace after 45 minutes into the run. These felt good, held zone 3 or low zone 4 for all. The cold rain did kill my knees though...achy and sore for a few hours after. Chased the run with a solid 20 mile spin at locked 170 watts later.

Overall, happy with progress and hope to be increasing miles on the bike soon. My legs are still thrashed, despite the shorter mileage. Out of the 13 workouts this week, 10 contained speed work or power work.

Final exclamation point!
Kelly Hovland won her AG at Exterra National Championships this weekend. Man, the girls on our team are strong.